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50 Tricks to Get More People To Like Your Facebook Page

Here are the tips: 1. Post a Status Update Post a status update mentioning your facebook page. Don’t be afraid to outright ask people to join your facebook page.  Ask and you shall receive. Give them a great reason why they should join, tell...
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How to:Read a Cookies

Cookies provide a means in Web applications to store user-specific information, such as history or user preferences. A cookie is a small bit of text that accompanies requests and responses as they go between the Web server and client. The cookie contains...
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A keylogger is software that runs secretly on a computer and records every key that is pressed, then delivers it to an email of your choosing. Its easy to use and it has guarantied results. I have made pack that contains more than 10 keyloggers and...

How To Find Location Of Anyone On Internet

Let’s say you are chatting on msn, and someone you don’t know is starting a conversation with you. If you want to know from where is the person you are chatting with, or check if she/he is telling the truth, you can trace the location (country, city,...
READ MORE - How To Find Location Of Anyone On Internet

How To Hack Into Computers Through WiFi

The internet is ever growing and you and I are truly pebbles in a vast ocean of information. They say what you don’t know can’t hurt you. When it comes to the Internet believe quite the opposite. On the Internet there a millions and millions of computer...
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Get a Free License for Avast Internet Security 2010

Today I’m going to give you this working serial number for Avast internet Security 2010. Active internet users need greater protection for themselves as they shop and bank on-line. To secure against threats from infected web sites and the growing risk...
READ MORE - Get a Free License for Avast Internet Security 2010

Delete files without moving deleted files to Recycle Bin

Whenever a file is deleted , it moves into recycle bin.But not from the hard disk.So to remove any file from hard disk directly without moving it to Recycle Bin just follow these steps: >>Go to Start>Run , type gpedit.msc to open group policy...
READ MORE - Delete files without moving deleted files to Recycle Bin

Top ten free Anonymous surfing sites

The anonymous surfing sites are the sites from which you can view any sites anonymously and also view blocked websites .Also you can hide your ip-address by using these sites.You can now browse any websites which are blocked in specific country,school,office...
READ MORE - Top ten free Anonymous surfing sites

How to hack with Trojan | Prorat tutorial

Prorat a famous trojan for hacking system, facebook, gmail, yahoo, twitter and other accounts. Today i wil show you step by step guide to hack with Prorat. First of download Prorat from the given link ProRat Then disable your antivirus. It is...
READ MORE - How to hack with Trojan | Prorat tutorial

aircrack-ng – WEP and WPA-PSK Key Cracking Program

aircrack is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, thus making the attack...
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15 Hacking Tools & Security Utilities

A hacking tool is a program designed to assist with hacking, or a piece of software which can be used for hacking purposes. Examples include Nmap, Nessus, John the Ripper, SuperScan, p0f, and Winzapper. Bribes, have also been designated as among the...
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Password Cracking with Rainbowcrack and Rainbow Tables

What is RainbowCrack & Rainbow Tables? RainbowCrack is a general propose implementation of Philippe Oechslin’s faster time-memory trade-off technique. In 1980 Martin Hellman described a cryptanalytic time-memory trade-off which reduces the...
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THC-Hydra - A very fast network logon cracker

A very fast network logon cracker which support many different services. Have a look at the feature sets and services coverage page - including a speed comparison against ncrack and medusa! Number one of the biggest security holes are passwords,...
READ MORE - THC-Hydra - A very fast network logon cracker

SIPVicious Tool Suite v0.2.6 – SIP/VoIP Security Auditing Tool

SIPVicious suite is a set of tools that can be used to audit SIP based VoIP systems. Why the name? Because the tools are not exactly the nicest thing on earth next to a SIP device. And the play on the sound seems to work. As an extra bonus, it...
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Angry IP Scanner 3.0 Beta 5

Scanning of computer networks (searching for addresses with known properties) is a practice that is often used by both network administrators and crackers. Although it is widely accepted that activity of the latter is often illegal, most of the...
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Skipfish 1.94b Released - Web Application Security Scanner

What is Skipfish? Skipfish is an active web application security reconnaissance tool. It prepares an interactive sitemap for the targeted site by carrying out a recursive crawl and dictionary-based probes. The resulting map is then annotated with...
READ MORE - Skipfish 1.94b Released - Web Application Security Scanner

xSQL Scanner: Security Audit Tool For MS-SQL & MySQL & Database Password Cracker

xSQL Scanner is a advanced SQL audit tool that allows users to find weak passwords and vulnerabilities on MS-SQL and MySQL database servers. The objective of xSQLScanner is to assist the Security Analyst or Penetration Tester in auditing the security...
READ MORE - xSQL Scanner: Security Audit Tool For MS-SQL & MySQL & Database Password Cracker

MagicTree v1.1 – Penetration Testing Productivity Tool

Have you ever spent ages trying to find the results of a particular portscan you were sure you did? Or grepping through a bunch of files looking for data for a particular host or service? Or copy-pasting bits of output from a bunch of typescripts...
READ MORE - MagicTree v1.1 – Penetration Testing Productivity Tool

Speed your browser by changing your DNS

Most people use the default DNS settings provided by their ISP, and while they are usually sufficient for most purposes, there are plenty of free options out there, like OpenDNS and Google DNS. Namebench is a free app that checks to see whether your...
READ MORE - Speed your browser by changing your DNS

Nmap 6 Released For Download - Network Discovery & Security Auditing Tool

Nmap (Network Mapper) is a security scanner originally written by Gordon Lyon used to discover hosts and services on a computer network, thus creating a "map" of the network. To accomplish its goal, Nmap sends specially crafted...
READ MORE - Nmap 6 Released For Download - Network Discovery & Security Auditing Tool